Important Public Meeting
for Hartley Residents
To be held at the Hartley School Hall
3.30 pm Saturday 20th October 2012
It has been proposed by a group of Valley residents, that consideration of a Mt Victoria to Lithgow Great Western Highway Upgrade (the purple corridor) through Hartley Vale should be revived, and that the previously agreed call for a Newnes option be abandoned. This call is totally contrary to the instructions given to the Hartley Highway Action Group (HHAG) thus far at public meetings, and you are urged to attend and have your say. Items on the agenda for discussion at the meeting will include;
- • That the Concept Design and Road Boundaries proposed by the RMS be rejected in its entirety and that the boundaries proposed in their report not be reflected in the LCC LEP.
- • That the RMS Concept Design of July 2012 be abandoned and the existing highway be enhanced to achieve optimal safety.
- • That the purple corridor originally proposed by the RTA for a highway upgrade across the north of the valley via Hartley Vale and across to Fernhill be reconsidered.
- • That calls for the Newnes plateau option be abandoned.
- • That the government be lobbied to classify the BLOR as a national transport grid road that would qualify it for federal funding in order to enable some safety and productivity enhancements to be undertaken supported partly by federal funding.
Please join us to consider alternatives.
Does the Hartley Valley community want the existing road retained but made safer?
Or do we want to lobby for a new line of road to be developed across the north side of the valley?
Or do we want any future upgrade to be developed via the Newnes plateau, leaving the existing highway to act as a road for local and tourist traffic?
Alternatively, might we be happy with the RMS concept design if we can get its bad features modified?
There has to be total transparency in regard to conflicts on this matter. Some of the HHAG committee own property on the proposed purple route and on the orange corridor, similarly the supporters of the call for the purple route own property along the existing highway or have other highway (orange corridor) interests.
We need your support, for you to decide what is best for the valley, as this meeting will direct HHAG policy going foward.
If you wish to discuss this issue, or seek more information on this meeting and its objectives, please call any of the following HHAG committee members.
Ramsay Moodie 6355 2259 David Peters 6355 2332
Dennis Plink 63552109 Bob Morris 6355 2127
John James 0431 616 227 Milton Kingsley 0417 496 483
The purple corridor has to come down a big cliff face to start with, and go through at least 8 farming properties and some of these are good cattle and sheep grazing properties. Some properties will even be cut in half. I would know about the minor upgrade on the orange corridor because it will affect The Full Throttle cafe on our property.
John Facchina