Safety works are expected to commence on the upper section of Browns Gap Road , from Monday 3 rd September 2012 for up to 5 weeks.
This area has been identified as a safety concern and the work will include the first stage of upper slope remediation plan, involving primarily the removal hazardous vegetation and some rocks.
Trees from the upper road cutting edge will be removed to some 6 metres behind the steep slope batters. Many of the trees over time have created root jacking to much of the steep batters exposing many large boulders in the cuttings.
A team of specialized arborists have been contracted by Lithgow City Council to carry out this work.
Contra-flow traffic control will be in place for the duration of this work and at times there will be delays to traffic whilst the work may require many trees to be felled onto the road pavement below.
The arborists will scale four separate sections from the top of Browns Gap running down the hill for some 700m.