• Website hosted and sponsored by Central West IT Lithgow


  Do not be alarmed. The smoke you see billowing from Hassan’s Walls is part of a fire hazard reduction program that is being carried out over the next few days. It certainly makes for dramatic sunsets!  

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Chris Bird

  I’m sorry to announce the passing of one of the most genial and generous people in the Hartley community. Chris Bird passed away at 3 pm on Monday 8th April, 2013, aged 84. He never regained consciousness after undergoing heart surgery on 22nd March. Our sincere sympathy goes out…

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Lithgow Show Icons in the Mercury

  Excerpted from Lithgow’s Mercury, Saturday 15th March: THEY’RE worthy of ‘champion exhibit’ status themselves. Chris Bird and Max Goddard have notched up around 100 years service between them as volunteer stewards at the Lithgow Show. Yesterday they were on the job again from early morning until late afternoon helping…

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Hartley’s History in the News Again.

  From the Lithgow Mercury, this article by Margaret Combs: TO commemorate the Bicentennial celebrations for the Crossing of the Blue Mountains in 1813 by Wentworth, Blaxland and Lawson the trust of the Hartley Vale-Mt Blaxland Reserve has commissioned a plaque to honour this event. Well known heritage stonemason Michael…

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