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Total Fire Ban for Friday 3rd January

  Despite the damp conditions and the semblance of rain this morning (less than 1 mm in Mid Hartley), the temperature is in the 30’s again today and the Fire Danger for the Central Tablelands is rated at Severe today and a Total Fire Ban has been declared for the…

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A Smokey Start to 2014

  As the first sunrise of 2014 unfolds the Valley fills with – not mist – but smoke! Not a particularly auspicious start to the year. We hope it is not a portent of things to come. More research on the RFS website brings up this information and once the…

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Grande Raffle Winner Announced

 On the morning of  28th December, 2013, Tom Kent President  of the Hartley District Progress Association announced the winners of the Grande Raffle conducted by the Progress Association as part of its 1813 Commemoration Activities. First prize a two night accommodation package at Emirate’s Wolgan Valley Resort went to Hartley…

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