At the well-attended Annual General Meeting of the Hartley District Progress Association on Monday 1st December the following Committee members were elected:
President: Tom Kent (until the sale of his property)
Vice President: Seamus Casey
Treasurer: Ramsay Moodie
Secretary: Barbara Wheat
Other Committee Members: Sharon Howard, John Facchina, Ian Campbell, Diane Green
Hall Hire: Barbara Johnson
Newsletter: Susie Moodie
Website: Diane Green
Business Directory: Barbara Johnson & Susie Moodie
Thank you to all who attended, and congratulations to all involved .
On behalf of CVA Inc we congratulate the members of their positions on the Management Committee.
Can I suggest from the most northern boundary of the LGA that CVA gets together with your members for a picnic day.
A chance to meet each other.
Rotate one year at Hartley and then Glen Davis?
Donna Upton
02 6379 7767
Thank you Donna. That sounds like a lovely suggestion.
I will pass this on to the other committee members, along with your message of congratulations.
Wishing you all in the Capertee Valley a joyous festive season, and plenty more rain to keep the fires away.
Seamus for HDPA